Wednesday, January 10, 2007

And so it begins...

I've been writing a blog in my mind for months now as we have been out on our morning jogs and finally decided to go for it here. It is January after all - the time of new beginnings, resolutions and what have you, so I thought - why not? I have had much to say on my imaginary blog - now we will see if I can acutally put my thoughts into words.

I think I will start by saying - "yes" - I did make New Year's resolutions - a few actually. I made a couple of fitness goals, challenged myself to read the Bible - all the way thru this year and memorize a few chunks of Scripture. I thought this would be plenty to keep me going. Then in Church on Sunday, Pastor talked briefly about resolutions and mentioned two that really struck a chord with me - softening my "environmental footprint" and this I love - making this a year that is wholly devoted to God. What would that really look like? Really.

I am excited to see what this New Year holds.


Howard and Judy said...

Great start Lorrain, to both the blog and the New Year. As to the second point made by your pastor, not only can you "show me", (as you've been doing the past year or so),but with your new blog you can "tell me" as well. Show and tell!

Lorrain said...

Hey Howard - thanks for the encouragement. Not so sure I can show you but I love the concept. It is my hope to at least think about it every day - hey - we got a very cool email. I'll forward it to you - I think you may be interested. I loved the beginning of your blog. Cant wait to see read your thougts.