Sunday, January 14, 2007

Trust that I have a plan for you.

I've been reading daily from "My Utmost For His Highest" by Oswald Chambers. I am so amazed at how this guy who DIED in 1917 has so challenged me in my life. Well, today he talked about the "call of God" and how it goes out to everyone, not just a select few. He talked about whether we hear it or not depends on our spiritual attitude and not that God singles out people and says "now YOU go". Jesus' quiet, yet passionate, insistance of His 'Follow Me" was spoken to men (the disciples) whose every sense was receptive. I got to thinking about "our call". It's true, we heard this call to the masses and we responded. I find it very interesting that our "Here I am LORD, send me" results look much different from what I had imagined or expected. But then I got to thinking well that is no different, really, from the disciples. They ended up in a very different situation than what they thought they had signed up for. There are times when I have wondered if we heard wrong - but I really don't believe that is the case. It just looks really different from what I expected. My question to God today was "How do I live as one 'whose every sense is receptive'?" I really believe that God said "Keep your eyes fixed on Me. Trust that I have a plan for you." Then immediately Psalm 37:5,6 popped into my mind. "Commit your way to the LORD: trust in Him and He will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun."
We got a pretty similar message just a few hours later at Church. It was cool.

1 comment:

Howard and Judy said...

Hi again Lorrain,

I liked your post. I think there's alot of interest in "calling" right now. The pastor at the church we attended on Sunday is using that as his theme this year. He just introduced the topic this Sunday, and alot of what he said was just thinking out loud, but he wondered if we spend way too much time worrying about individual calling and purpose, and too little time responding to God's call generally. I think that ties in with your last post and with the question of living daily "with every sense receptive". I also wonder how it fits with my thinking lately about living in the "the kingdom of God" here and now.

Anyway, blessings. And just what are those things on your heads in the photo?