Sunday, February 4, 2007

Voice for the Voiceless

For some time now the issue of human trafficking has been on my heart and mind. I first heard about it a few years ago while we were at our TESOL course at Montana YWAM. It saddened me and it was a very new thought for me. A bit later I saw a TV mini-series. I think it was called Sex Trade. I contacted CBC and tried to get more info but with no response. Then last year in the movie store, I saw the movie Human Trafficking. I said to Glen, this will probly be very intense but I really feel like we need to watch it. It broke my heart. For such an awful subject the movie is very tastefully done. We bought the movie. I think I have watched it 4 times now. I have wanted to get involved some how but have not known even where to begin. I have prayed. I have told people about the movie. I have watched the movie with people.

Recently, my friend Pam brought my attention to a publication a YWAM group has put together. It is called Voice for the Voiceless - a booklet that leads you thru 30 Days of Prayer - not only regarding human trafficking but addressing global issues of gender-based injustice. I have prayed thru it once and have started thru it again this month. It is disturbing. It makes you cry. It makes you angry. As I have been asking the Lord what more I can do, I really believe that for now, what I can do is to help make people aware. Following is an excerpt from the Foreword by Loren Cunningham.

"A few years ago, I was asked the question,"What will be the greatest global challenge as we enter the 21st Century?" You many think of war, terrorism, famine, AIDS and a number of other colossal needs, which all surely qualify. But among the most serious issues is gender injustice - the abuse and suppression of women. Why? because it is the biggest, most far reaching, and most hidden.

The Church needs to take a stand, the Church needs to raise its voice, the Church needs to pray and act, because God's heart breaks over gender injustice".

Last weekend we were involved in the Vancouver Mission Fest. As I toured the booths, I came upon a group that I had never heard of before, International Justice Mission (IJM). When I heard what they do, I cried. Ya, right there at their booth. They are doing what has been on my heart for some time now. I would encourage you to check out their website . I would also encourage to check out Voice for the Voiceless. I have 3 more prayer books that I would be happy to send. Voice for the Voiceless doesn't have a web site that I know of yet but I could give you the contact info.
Thanks for reading.
Bless you.

1 comment:

.natetash said...

susi and paul have a site under their company -

the abortion photo was not copywritten correctly: copyright © tasha m g hakeem 2005 (tasha took that photo, in hawaii, of susi when she was pregnant).

ijm is an amazing organization! another one to check out is