We had a wedding shower here for our buddy Nancy a few weeks ago. It's cool to see how excited she is for her wedding. I think it is probly hard for her to imagine loving her Joe more than she does right now. But - I kept thinking - you will.
Glen and I have been married almost 27 years and my love for him has only grown. So what makes him so amazing you ask? Well, he loves me - no matter what. He does special things for me - like making me a latte every morning - making dinner every night during my web course - running with me every step of the way with my big running goal ("my" goal may be coming "our" goal). He loves me what ever size I happen to be. He encourages me in everything I attempt. He hangs in there with me when I am all over the map with my emotions. I could go on and on. He is a man of great integrity. He is an amazing father as well. He has a steadfast faith in our God. He respects me. He listens to me - even when I natter on and on and on and.... He challenges me - in my walk with God and to believe in myself. He has a great sense of humor. He can be really silly you know. He's a great coach. He doesn't let me or others "off the hook". He is kind. He is my protector. Like I said, I could go on and on.
When Glen was 17, he played Jr. A Hockey in Penticton with the Broncos. I was 12 and got his autograph. We didn't really meet until 6 years later when we both worked at the Okanagan Hockey School. I had this crazy crush on him - so much so that I couldn't even work when he would come into the office and my face would go all red. He really didn't want anything to do with me because I was 18 and he was 23. But - my best friend's boyfriend was one of Glen's best friends and the rest is history.

I love this man. We spend most of every day together. We have had a unique situation in that we have worked together most of our married lives - with our Mark's Work Wearhouse business and now our YWAM Hockey ministry. Not every moment has been "bliss" but we have worked thru our challenges and thru it all our love continues to grow. Glen is my very best friend.

1 comment:
Hi there,
Glen sounds amazing!
I was praying for you this morning. Lately, when I pray, I've been asking God to sing over people. (The idea came out of a song by Bethany Dillon.) As I was asking him to sing over you two, it came to me that He should sing to you that your relationship will grow even stronger, and so I asked Him for that. I hope you feel it, and I think it will be awesome to see the results.
Now, I see you have been busy blogging so I'll have to get reading.
You're loved.
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