Monday, February 5, 2007

Riding the Bus

Well, my web course is over. I'm both relieved and sad. I really enjoyed our class. It was challenging and it was also fun. I loved meeting Caren, Akiko, Mehmet and Sohrab. And crazy enough, I loved riding on the bus - to and from school - everyday.
I was too timid to pull the "stop" cord for the first few times. I always hoped some one else would do it just in case I did it one stop too early. I did that once before and felt obligated to get off. Silly eh? Ya, I had to walk quite far that day.
It is fascinating to watch the people on the bus. Everyone has a story - I just don't know what it is. So often people would come on and I would find myself praying for them. "Lord, please bless them with some one who will tell them about Your love for them."
One day, I sat in the back. Normally, I try not to sit back there as there quite often the "unusual folks" sit there. I was on the #10, heading up Hastings. Right around Main St. we stopped, for quite a while actually. I was looking out at all the activity that goes on in that area. My eyes locked with a woman out on the street - we both looked away - but were both drawn back to looking at each other. She was smoking, what I think may have been a "crack pipe". I was looking at her and my heart went out in prayer for her. She was looking at me so intently - with almost pleading eyes - she would look away - turn away even - but then look back directly into my eyes. My heart broke for her. She looked so lost and lonely. Then, the bus pulled away - the encounter was over, but has left me pondering it still. Often my prayer for the day is "Jesus, please give me Your eyes to see and Your ears to hear. I think He did. He LOVES that gal and His heart breaks over her life. I think I saw her thru Jesus' eyes - and - I wonder what she saw.
Thanks for reading.
Bless you.


Howard and Judy said...

Hi Lorraine,
I appreciate the way you are focused outward, unlike me. I'm trying though, and will try your prayer.I think its a step in the life of adventure.
We luv you both.

Anonymous said...

lorrain... i am often to timid to pull the stop cord too... I really like it when other people do it! Also, i feel so bed when i pull it to early... so like you, I always get off and walk!! funny eh?
I like riding the bus too. We ride the bus in spain sometimes...and the train. so thats good.