Wow - we live in Vancouver. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think we would actually live in Vancouver. We used to come here for business and thought how beautiful it was "for a city" but we were always so thankful we didn't live here. So many people - so much traffic. But you know, the city is growing on me. In fact, in the past while I realize that I love living in Vancouver. It really is a beautiful city. I have been in awe of the beauty surrounding us - the mountains - the ocean. And this spring it seems like the blossoms and flowers are more beautiful than ever. You know, we have our very own eagle that lives on our street. And so often he flies by my kitchen window with his "catch of the day" and his entourage of seagulls pestering him. Last week when I was out for my morning run, I could see the race horses training at Hastings Track and I looked up and our eagle was flying by and I could hear a choir of little birdies singing their hearts out. I was thinking - but this is the city. I have started teaching ESL once a week over near 51st and Fraser. When I turned onto 51st the site took my breath away - the beautiful blossoms - forming a canopy almost over the street. And then a few days later when it was raining a bit - it was like it was snowing pink flakes and there was this stunning carpet of pink on the sidewalk. Yesterday we ran on the Sea Wall - and it was so beautiful - then we went over to Kits and Jericho beach and guess what - it was beautiful too. And from there you see the the city with the backdrop of the mountains. Beautiful! And this is just the natural beauty - then there are the people ... but I'll save that for another day.
Have a beautiful day!
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